The No.1 selling cream for the symptomatic relief of recurrent vaginal yeast infections


What is a yeast infection and how does it affect your health?

If you’ve had a yeast infection, you’re not alone. Yeast infections are common among woman and are caused by an over production or imbalance of the fungi of the genus candida that normally lives on the skin and inside the body. This includes your mouth, throat, gut and vagina.

signs of a vaginal yeast infection

You will experience symptoms such as:
  • Irritation of the vaginal and vulva and soreness.
  • Discharge that has the consistency of cottage cheese that will have the smell of yeast or a watery discharge.
  • Itchiness and irritation of the vaginal area.
  • Pain and discomfort during intercourse or while urinating.
In some cases, you can experience more severe symptoms such as:
  • Redness of the vaginal area.
  • Swelling of the vagina and vulva.
  • Cracks in the skin outside the vulva.
  • Should you experience more severe symptoms you should consult your doctor, especially if over-the-counter medication isn’t solving the issue.
You need to see a doctor if:
  • it’s the first time you’ve experienced yeast infection symptoms;
  • you’re unsure if you have a yeast infection;
  • your symptoms persist after using medication; and
  • you develop other symptoms.


There are many factors that can cause an imbalance of the candida fungi. Many of them have to do with lifestyle and the clothes you wear. Candida thrives in a warm and moist environment which is why what you wear plays a role in whether you get a yeast infection.

Yeast infections can be caused by:

  • Using certain antibiotics. This increases the lactobacilli that is normally found in your vagina, which is a healthy bacteria that kills harmful organisms in the vagina, as antibiotics changes the healthy bacteria in your gut it could lead to the overgrowth of yeast.
  • Bad personal hygiene such as not washing the vagina properly or not changing your tampon, pad, pantyliner and underwear often.
  • Higher estrogen levels in women that are pregnant, high estrogen birth control pills or estrogen hormone therapy.
  • With uncontrolled diabetes you are more likely to get an infection due to the increased glucose in your body. The yeast cells are nourished by the extra glucose which causes them to multiply and cause a yeast infection.
  • Douching removes important bacteria from the vagina which could lead to a yeast infection.
  • You can transfer bad bacteria to your vagina if you wipe back to front after a bowel movement which could lead to a yeast infection.
  • Fragranced products like feminine wipes, scented soap, lubricant, powders, perfume or bubble bath can also alter the bacteria in your vagina which could lead to infections and yeast infection.
  • Very hot baths and showers create the perfect environment for a yeast infection.
  • Tight clothes and underwear that isn’t made from cotton can also lead to yeast infections because it creates a warm and moist environment for the fungi to grow in.


Getting a yeast infection is normal since there are many things that could influence the good bacteria in your vagina. If you do get a yeast infection there are over-the-counter creams, suppositories and pills that you can take to help clear up the infection.

Untreated yeast infections could lead to more serious complications for you. There is of course the possibility that it would go away on its own, but if it doesn’t, you need to take action. If it persists and gets worse it’s best to consult a doctor on how you can take care of the infection. It might also be possible that what you have isn’t a yeast infection, so make sure that you have the right diagnosis before you use treatments.

Scratching could lead to open wounds which creates the possibility of further infection. You could also experience fatigue, oral thrush and gastrointestinal problems. The infection can also be transferred to other organs such as blood, heart, brain, bones and the eyes.

Yeast infections are common among pregnant women due to higher levels of estrogen. It is important to consult your doctor should you think that you may have a yeast infection. You might find it difficult to fall pregnant should you have a yeast infection as it can create a hostile environment for sperm.


If you have a yeast infection it could last a couple of days to a week. If the infection persists you should consult a doctor. Depending on how severe the infection is it could last up to two weeks and sometimes you can manage it without using any medication.
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